martes, 17 de febrero de 2009


Managing Diversity is very important because it will increase organisational effectiveness and will help to compete succesfully in a global marketplace. The main objective of Managing Diversity is to focus on maximizing the employees activities so they can contribute to organizational goals and have good results in their work.

It's a fact that the decision-making groups that have more diversity generate higher number of solutions for an specific problem or situation and also base their final decision in alternative options before acting in some way that maybe will be bad for the company or organization.

Time, Efficiency, Money and Unhealthy tensions are some of the elements that will improve with a well managed diversity.


1. Drawing upon individual tolerance and self-control --> Act as a group trying to accept others opinion and point of view in specific situations.

2. Trial and error processes + personal --> Try to generate friendship between the members of the team, this will bring better results and will help people work better.

3. Setting Up Transational Cultures --> A good management will create an international culture that will make other feel identified.


The complexity of differences is wide ranging and because of that there is not one way of doing things or seeing or being in the world. People are not the same and although they want to be treated equally, this does not translate to being treated the same This has implication not just in respect to the workforce but also in the delivery of public and private services, the design and development of products and procurement activities.

These issues are not just about discriminatory practices but they modify the nature and demands placed on leadership and management and bring into prominence the concept of diversity. How well or how prepared managers are able to invest in the concept of diversity will impact not just on work issues but also on sensitivity to customers’ needs, legal compliance, business’ ethical issues, profitability and even social cohesion.

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